Sania Mirza Balances Work, Travel, and Fasting During Ramzan Week

Like many other celebrities, Indian tennis star Sania Mirza is embracing the holy month of Ramzan with great fervor, sharing glimpses of her experiences on Instagram. In her latest update, she unveiled how she managed to balance work, travel, and fasting during the third week of Ramzan.

In her most recent Instagram post, Sania offered a peek into her eventful third week of Ramzan. Despite her bustling schedule, which involved traveling to multiple cities including Hyderabad, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore after her return from Dubai, she remained steadfast in observing the fasts of Ramzan, underscoring her unwavering commitment to faith amidst her professional commitments.

Last week, Sania marked her first public appearance in Hyderabad since announcing her separation from Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik earlier this year. She attended her sister Anam Mirza’s Ramzan expo, Daawat E Ramzan, where she took the time to meet fans and interact with them.

Sania Mirza’s dedication to observing Ramzan while managing her professional obligations serves as a testament to her strong faith and resilience. Her ability to strike a balance between work, travel, and spiritual commitments during this holy month is indeed commendable and inspiring.

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